APACT 新冠疫情社区联合救助基金捐款倡议
在抗击疫情中,我们亚太裔已经显示出对社区的关爱和有担当的行动能力。蒙郡华裔家长联盟 (CAPA-MC)连同多个社区组织设立了“亚太裔社区联合救助基金”APACT。为了表示我们对奋战在抗疫一线的工作和医务人员的感谢,和对许多被疫情影响生活有困难的人群的关爱。我们目标募集 $100000,从地方的餐馆购买食物,和购买清洁用品,捐送给以下机构:1) Homeless shelters and food banks; 2) First responders; and 3) Hospitals
Responding to UCA’s call for donating food to show our love, APACT (Asian Pacific American Coming Together) Fund has been raising money to buy food for first responders homeless shelters and hospital staff: https://charity.gofundme.com/o/en/campaign/asain-pacific-american-covid19-relief-fund Thanks to UCA and @薛海培(Haipei Shue)DC for your leadership and financial support for this meaningful effort. We have so far delivered 125 meals to a local police station and a men’s homeless shelter. In the next few weeks, particularly on May 9th, we will continue to donate the food of love to show our care and appreciation.

We continued to support our local community as we acquired more masks. Last two days, we sent to super markets and distributed to out neighbors. Please like our page above. [Rose]