Published by Millburn Short Hills Chinese Association ‘s “Millburn CoronaVirus Community Support Fund” . Useful info for donation organizations .
On 3/25, 1500 surgical masks were donated to Emergency Department at Saint Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston. We wanted to thank our volunteers who spent enormous effort and their time in sourcing and delivering reliable FDA approved PPE to the hospitals who need PPE urgently. We also received lots of encouraging messages from many local communities asking us to share the experience. So here it is…United We Stand against COVID-19! Love wins!
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截至今日(2020年3月24日), 蜜尔本华人协会组织的抗疫社区互助基金已经从当地华人社区筹集了$48,900。志愿者们不知疲倦地与国内各供应商联系,严格筛选,为支持当地医院和医卫警人员采购有FDA认证的最高质量的医用防护产品。今天,基金已向当地战斗在抗疫一线的警察局,消防局和志愿者急救队捐助了3000只医用手术口罩,当地餐厅面值$1800的消费卡和$5000现金。同时,向当地医院包括Envision Physician Services 和RWJ University Hospital Somerset捐赠了4000只医用手术口罩。
目前,更多的防护用品包括医用N95口罩,医用手术口罩和防护服仍在从中国运往新泽西的路途中。 我们的志愿者正在马不停蹄争分夺秒的战斗着!加入我们,为抗疫贡献您的一份力量。捐款通道: Quickpay or Zelle to。 众志成城,我们必能度过难关!
Millburn Short Hills Chinese Association’s Community Support Fund, distributed 16,000 surgical masks 3,290 N95 masks and 215 medical gowns to (18) medical and community institutions so far.