
#79 栋梁妈妈

This batch of 25 boxes of medical supplies with a total value of up to 250,000 yuan was donated by the whole family of MPA school’s 10th grader Lana. The parents of Lana generously released the first batch of materials after they learned about the shortage of materials in the community hospital. Including 10,000 medical masks, 1060 N95 masks, 100 goggles, 500 sets of surgical gowns, 400 sets of isolation gowns. This charitable donation feat was highly praised by Congressman Ma and was reported by several Xinhua News Agency in Chicago. The principal of Morgan Park “Thanks to Lana for her contribution to the community. I hope this spirit of service will continue to flourish on the Morgan campus.” (Google Translate)

 【栋梁抗疫日记 4月7日】

今天下午栋梁教育负责人李韧老师、和江涛老师和Lana Liu同学一行为芝加哥新冠急救中心Rush Hospital 送去大批防疫物资。 伊州首位华人女议员Theresa Mah马博士和刚刚当选即将上任的Lakiesha Collins 议员、Rush医院的商务多元渠道经理John Andrews、MPA宣传部部长Jim Reedy以及栋梁教育Tim老师也都到场支持。
受刘爸爸的鼓舞,栋梁教育联手全美华人联合会伊州分会UCA IL共同创建基金会。呼吁芝加哥华人团结一致,尽自己绵薄之力为华人社区与医院送去温暖与关怀。 感谢大家对于此次防疫工作的支持与关心。心连心,手牵手,我们共战疫情!
