We are Savannah Chinese Heritage Group, formed by residents of the Greater Savannah and the vicinities. We made a call for donation on Thursday, March 26, in order to purchase masks for local law enforcement units. Less than a 24-hour period, we have raised $2,427! With this fund, we were able to procure 3000 disposable Face Masks. Today, March 28, Xuanhua Mo and Qiwei Sun, two members of the group, handed the masks to Captain Hall, Motor Carrier Compliance Division, Georgia Department of Public Safety. Captain Hall was off duty today and could not wear his uniform. He suggested to meet up in his office no Monday. But knowing the rapid spread of COVID-19, Mo and Sun decided to forego the formality and delivered the 3000 masks to Captain Hall in the parking lot of CVS on Waters. They wanted to ensure that our law enforcement officers have the needed protection as soon as possible.
We the local Chinese community want to show our solidarity with our fellow residents, and law enforcement officers in this war against COVID-19. We are in this together, and we will support one another. We will triumph as one, not Chinese, not Americans, not Chinese Americans, but one human-race. (by Weihua Zhang, 张为华)
今天晴空万里,上午和老孙(奇伟)顺利把我们捐献的3000只民用口罩交给了负责我们这一带的州警警长Captain Hall,同时也是老孙的老朋友。Captain Hall管辖包括大萨瓦纳地区在内的18个县。
Captain Hall对我们表示感谢,并要把我们的慰问信交给他的commander。他说警方奇缺防疫物资,任何donation都欢迎,饮料和snacks也要的。
这是一件说大不大说小不小的善举,也是我投入抗疫下半场感觉最顺利的一次活动。关键原因是咱们村民太给力了,仅仅一个晚上就超额完成募捐。在此再次隆重感谢提供货源的Jason,负责联络的老孙,负责文宣的张老师,负责管账和取口罩的汤同学,以及每一位急公好义,慷慨解囊的村民!(阿莫, 3/28/2020)