
#111 Twitter reactions to a very provoking post

https://twitter.com/Imamofpeace/status/1245429428160626689, this is terrible, “A Chinese woman proudly filmed herself buying huge amount of facemasks from multiple US supermarkets and loaded the masks onto her pickup truck. “It feels so awesome to buy all the masks! I didn’t leave a single mask for the Americans!” -via journalist 👆这个推特里的华人形象对我们的影响特别坏,她不能代表华人社区,我们不能仅仅愤怒,让我们都去回复那个推特,弘扬我们的正面形象。I did my share💪 才发现点赞最高的回复才会置顶被看见。现在靠前的回复都是批评华裔的负面回复,请大家帮忙点赞这两条正面回复,宣扬华裔抗疫的正面形象,把他们冲到首个回复的位置。(是点赞回复,不是原推哦)

#107 Chinese American Community Leaders come together to support frontline heros

Quote: Chinese American Community Leaders come together to support our frontline heros. Thanks to collaboration of Advanced Healthcare Professionals Inc, Shandong Fellowship Asso of Southern USA, Pearland Chinese Asso, HUSTAA, HCYA, Music of Harmony & many more.. https://mobile.twitter.com/SinoProfessionA/status/1245539370003808256