
#23 APAPA Austin

This is what Austin is doing, I think it is effective and achievable The effort is lead by APAPA Austin President CJ Zhao 我们不赞成去中国抢购口罩, 因为金钱和精力的效率太低,不仅大家互相高价抢货源,而且可能等货到了黄花菜都凉了😱。 我们现在重点做几件事: 向社区要求捐赠家里现有的口罩,因为医院确实奇缺口罩,让人心痛焦虑。迄今已经有 committed donation of ~5,000 face masks. 昨天已经给两家医院送了 ~800,这两天会收集剩下的几千, 已经好多家医院找上门来了, 在等我们送。 在美国国内找货源快速下订单(组织者自己先捐款,不等筹款到). 现在已经有三千在路上, 周一到。所以到下周二我们就基本结束口罩抢购计划。 与市议员们合作,把中国国内的可靠些的生产厂家推荐给他们。已经有两家厂商在与市府工作人员协谈。 开始看看是否能让大家在家自制口罩,有教学视频。对, 自制, 这不是玩笑,连市长办公室也参与。医院现在口罩奇缺,没时间等。 下周开始重点帮助其他at-risk 人群。给 homeless shelter, nursing home & kids lunch programs 准备 […]

#8 All shall be fed

Working Overtime to Provide for Unhoused Neighbors During the Coronavirus Pandemic https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2020-04-03/working-overtime-to-provide-for-unhoused-neighbors-during-the-coronavirus-pandemic/ “If I said I am not worried about xenophobia, I would be lying. But we are proud Americans. This is our home, and we will help in any way we can.”–CJ ZHAO, Austin Chinese-American Network