
#28 UCA-SF 我跳你捐 You Donate I Jump

Help join the fight against Coronavirus and let your child release some pent up energy! Started by children 4 to 8 in California, they will jump 100 times for each mask donated to healthcare workers! 我们SF UCA 在此呼吁大家分享爱的捐款、爱的行动。 我们计划购买一萬个医用口罩。 我们同时欢迎孩子们参与公益,他们可以做为啦啦队为家长们加油呐喊: 我们建议这些“在家上课” 的孩子每天坚持步行或跳动100下, 然后把他们的活动照片或记录分享给我们,给社区送去鼓励。 希望我们共同努力,聚沙成塔,分享我们的爱与支持,共闯疫情困境! Donation methods:PayPal:info@u-c-a.org Or info@ucausa.org, Credit card/Debit cardhttps://ucausa.org/our-supporters/donate-to-uca/;Checks: mail to:United Chinese Americans(UCA)1050 […]